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Ultimate Guide to Flat Roof Maintenance

If you’re a property owner in Chicago with a flat roof, you’re well aware of the unique challenges these structures can present if not properly maintained. In order to prevent potential issues or costly repairs in the future, it’s crucial that your roof is cared for on a regular basis. This comprehensive guide offers valuable tips to keep your flat roof in top-notch condition.

Tree Pruning

One essential aspect of flat roof maintenance is ensuring that trees near your roof are regularly pruned. This helps prevent branches from potentially scratching or puncturing your roof, and it also reduces the chance of leaves and twigs clogging up your gutters and drains. Overhanging branches often contribute to moss growth on roofs, so trimming these back can help avoid both time-consuming and costly moss removal treatments.

Install and Monitor an Effective Drainage System

If you observe water accumulating on your roof, it’s a clear indication that your drainage system may be inadequate. Flat roofs, unfortunately, often fall short when it comes to drainage systems, especially when compared to their sloped counterparts. However, with the installation of an effective system such as EPDM or PVC, your property will be well-protected against leaks and other common problems associated with poor drainage.

Flat roofs are designed with a slight slope to guide even stubborn rainfall off the surface. If you’re noticing large amounts of water pooling, it may be time for a professional check-up on your roof’s drainage system. Regular inspections can identify and rectify these issues promptly, saving you time, money, and potential headaches down the road.

Keep the Roof Clean of Debris

Flat roofs are engineered for effective water runoff but aren’t as efficient at naturally shedding dirt, leaves, and other debris like sloped roofs. If not regularly cleaned, this debris can form a dam, trapping water and potentially causing damage to your roof. Engage a professional with the requisite experience to safely remove this debris and ensure water can flow freely off your roof.

In the aftermath of extreme weather events, such as powerful storms or heavy snowfall, always inspect your roof for potential damage. Strong winds can exert significant pressure on the roof’s surface, causing tears that should be quickly repaired. After heavy rain, inspect for water pooling that could lead to leaks. Clearing snow off your roof is equally important – accumulated ice and snow can weigh more than the structure is designed to withstand.

Watch Out for Blistering

When moisture becomes trapped between the roof and its protective membrane, this can lead to blisters, cracks, and even water infiltration if left unchecked. Fortunately, this issue can usually be easily identified by an experienced contractor. Even if blisters don’t appear severe, it’s always best to contact a professional as soon as possible to prevent further complications. Ensuring your building is protected from moisture exposure is key to its longevity.

Promptly Contact a Flat Roof Repair Service for Leaks

A flat roof requires diligent care, so if you suspect a crack or leak, the most sensible course of action is to call a professional. Postponing could lead to extensive, avoidable repairs. Remember that leaks often occur around flashing and in seams – a skilled professional can accurately identify the leak’s source and repair it efficiently. Quick action can save both time and money in the long term.

How Often Should I Have My Flat Roof Inspected by a Professional?

If you own a flat roof, you know the importance of routine inspections. While the general recommendation is at least two inspections per year, factors such as the material’s age and Chicago’s climate may necessitate more frequent inspections. During an inspection, a professional will thoroughly assess the roof’s condition and identify potential problems, ultimately ensuring your flat roof is safe and sound.

Trust Third Coast Exteriors for Flat Roof Repair and Maintenance Checkups

At Third Coast Exteriors, we understand the importance of your commercial property and the investment it represents. Our expert team is committed to providing you with top-tier roofing services. From roof replacement and emergency repairs to routine maintenance services and regular inspections, we’re here for all your roofing needs. Our dedicated team of roofers has been providing exceptional service throughout the Chicago area for over four decades.

We offer a comprehensive range of services:

  • Commercial Roofing Solutions
  • Flat Roof Replacement Services
  • Flat Roof Installation Services

At Third Coast Exteriors, we’re committed to helping you preserve the integrity of your property and ensuring a solid roof over your head.

Five Indications That Your Commercial Roof Needs Replacing

As anyone who owns a commercial building in Chicago will attest, the roof is an integral part of the structure. Not only does it shield your property from harsh weather, but it also plays a pivotal role in temperature control and moisture management. However, over time, wear and tear take their toll, and it becomes crucial to identify signs that your commercial roof may require replacement. Here are five signs that suggest your commercial roof might be due for a replacement.

1. Evidence of Leaks

Leaks are a major red flag indicating that your commercial roof might need replacing. Should you discover water damage, it’s vital to address it immediately. A roof with leaks can lead to a host of issues, including the growth of mold and mildew, rotting wood, and structural damage. Ignoring these signs and delaying roof replacement could result in severe complications.

2. Presence of Bubbles or Blistering

If you see bubbles or blisters on your commercial roof, it’s likely a replacement is in order. Bubbles result from trapped air or water pockets beneath the roof surface, causing the roofing material to swell and form a bubble-like appearance. Blistering, however, occurs when the roofing material starts to deteriorate, forming small pockets filled with air or water. Both these issues can compromise the roof’s integrity and lead to leaks. If your commercial roof exhibits either of these symptoms, it’s recommended to have a roofing professional assess the damage and determine if a replacement is required.

3. Loose Roofing Materials

Loose roofing materials on your commercial property suggest that a roof replacement may be necessary. These can result from various causes, such as extreme weather, incorrect installation, or natural aging. Regardless of the cause, loose materials pose a serious problem and need immediate attention. If left unaddressed, they can lead to water damage, leaks, and other threats to your property’s integrity.

4. Spike in Energy Costs

The roof of your commercial property is more than a barrier against the elements; it also assists in maintaining internal temperatures and optimizing energy use. However, as even the best-maintained roofs degrade over time, you might notice a significant increase in your energy bills. This increase indicates that your compromised roof is no longer effective at temperature regulation, forcing your HVAC system to work harder than necessary. A sudden surge in your energy expenditure could be a sign that your roof needs replacing. A new commercial roof investment can help decrease your energy bills and facilitate smooth business operations.

5. Advanced Age

A crucial sign that a commercial roof may need replacing is simply its age. The average commercial roof has a lifespan of around 20 years. If your roof is nearing or has exceeded this age, it may be time to contemplate a replacement. Other factors, like the type of roofing materials and local climate, can also affect a roof’s longevity. However, age is usually a reliable predictor of when a commercial roof needs replacing. If your roof shows signs of wear and tear, or has started to leak, you should consider a replacement before complete failure occurs.

Trust Third Coast Exteriors for Your Commercial Roofing Needs

Commercial Roofing Replacement Chicago, IL

Established in 1979, Third Coast Exteriors is dedicated to providing the finest quality commercial and industrial roofing services. We strongly believe that forging a robust relationship forms the cornerstone of any successful project, and we strive to cultivate trust with our clients from the get-go. Our team of seasoned engineers delivers expert recommendations to assist you in making informed decisions about your roof. Our unwavering commitment to customer service ensures we’ll be with you at every stage, from the initial consultation to the final inspection. When you opt for Third Coast Exteriors, you can trust you’re partnering with a commercial roofing team devoted to your success.

We provide a wide array of services including, but not limited to:

  • Repair of Flat Roofs
  • Replacement of Flat Roofs
  • Installation of Commercial Flat Roofs
  • Installation of Commercial Roofing
  • Roof Coatings
  • Commercial Roof Maintenance
  • Commercial Roofing Repairs
  • Metal Roofing Services
  • Solar Roofing Solutions

The Power of Polyisocyanurate Insulation for Commercial Roofs in Chicago

With rising energy prices and a worldwide emphasis on energy conservation, optimizing your heating system and minimizing structural heat loss is more crucial than ever. Insulation is one of the most effective ways to achieve this, and one of the most economical insulation solutions for the structure you’re constructing or designing is a polyisocyanurate (polyiso) roof installation.

Demystifying Polyisocyanurate

Polyisocyanurate, affectionately known as “polyiso,” is one of the globe’s most prevalent construction materials, representing more than 75% of insulation utilized in North American commercial building construction.

Polyiso is typically used as continuous insulation for roofs or as a shielding roof cover board. It’s a closed-cell, firm foam board linked to facers on both sides, primarily consisting of organic substances, including polyol, a blowing agent, and polymeric methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI).

This composition, in conjunction with its use with diverse facers, offers several advantages:

  • Compatibility with numerous roofing systems
  • Certified long-term thermal performance
  • Low global warming potential (GWP) blowing agents
  • Industry-wide Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

These factors make polyiso the preferred product for low-slope commercial roofing.

Polyiso essentially matches gypsum, a common alternative, in aspects like moisture resistance, fire resistance, and uplift properties. However, polyiso’s benefits are clear: it is lighter, easier to transport, and simpler to handle on a roof. Polyiso cover boards even protect the underlying insulation from roof traffic and facilitate the use of renewable energy systems, like rooftop solar power.

The high R-value, indicating the material’s insulation effectiveness, of polyiso is another advantage. High R-values signify better performance, an inherent attribute of polyiso cover boards. With current energy codes setting minimum insulation standards, polyiso is a superb choice to meet and even surpass these requirements.

Easy Installation and Environmentally Friendly

Mounting polyiso insulation on any roof enhances the building’s overall thermal efficiency, increases fire resistance, and helps reduce energy expenditures. The GWP of the blowing agents used in manufacturing polyiso insulation is crucial in assessing its environmental impact.

GWP evaluates gases to establish their impact on global warming, specifically the energy absorbed by the emission of one ton of a gas compared to one ton of carbon dioxide over a given period.

Manufacturers in North America utilize pentane, a hydrocarbon with zero ozone depletion potential (ODP), and low-GWP blends, known as pentane, to produce polyiso insulation products. Pentane’s GWP value of less than ten ensures polyiso insulation products align with climate regulations limiting the manufacture or installation of products with higher GWPs.

This means contractors, such as the team at Third Coast Exteriors, can recommend polyiso insulation products with confidence, knowing they comply with any regulations. By forming effective air barriers on top floors, isolating a building from external elements, and reducing the need for large heating and air conditioning units, polyiso contributes to energy conservation in more ways than one.

The unique structure of polyiso grants it excellent fire-resistant properties. Isocyanurate chemical bonds allow a high-temperature resistance of nearly 390 degrees Fahrenheit, more than double that of most insulation foams. This makes polyiso less prone to surface burning and can help inhibit the spread of fire. With rigorous code standards regarding fire performance in commercial buildings, contractors have significantly more flexibility when insulating roofs with polyiso.

Polyiso insulation has always been a top choice for commercial roofs in Chicago, and recent technological advancements in its formulation continue to make it more cost-effective and eco-friendly.

Third Coast Exteriors recommends considering polyiso insulation for your roofing projects this winter. This insulation option will not only help you save on energy costs but will also keep you cozy during the chilly Chicago winter months

Understanding the Timeline for Commercial Roofing Projects in Chicago

When embarking on a commercial roof installation project, the question that often arises for business owners is, “how long will it take?” The response relies on numerous factors. This post will guide you through the general stages of commercial roofing services to shed light on the process. The installation of a commercial roof is a sophisticated process that demands the skills of seasoned professionals. Each commercial property is unique, as are the projects.

Initial Structural Assessment

The process begins with an inspection of your current roofing system, internally and externally. This uncovers any structural damage that might have resulted from roof damage. If the interior of the structure is damaged, your roof may require more extensive repairs. A roof built on a weak foundation won’t endure. Commercial roofing contractors from Third Coast Exteriors will verify the integrity of your current roof’s membrane, flashing, and insulation to ascertain if any of it can be reused.

Consultation with Commercial Roofing Experts in Chicago

The contractors will scrutinize your roof to pinpoint any areas requiring special attention. In some instances, a call for commercial roof replacement may only necessitate a few repairs! Post-inspection, you’ll receive an estimate covering the cost of installation and labor. This quote generally includes an estimated project timeline that will vary based on the scale of the roofing project and the amount of work needed. Larger or extensively damaged roofs require more time. If you have queries or apprehensions about the project, this is the perfect time to discuss them with your commercial roofer.

Inspection of Roof Deck

Following this, the roof deck is assessed for signs of water damage or rot. If the roof deck is in a sound state, construction can proceed. However, if the deck shows signs of damage, it will necessitate repairs, extending the project timeline. This often happens if your roof has been leaking, compromising the deck in some way.

Once the roof deck is mended, a new insulation layer is installed to aid in temperature regulation and energy cost reduction.

Removal of the Existing Roof

The first step in actual construction involves removing the old roofing material and any compromised insulation. This could either be a simple repair job or a complete tear-off and replacement, depending on the extent of damage.

At this juncture, the roofers need to set aside a ground area for storing torn-off materials and preparing new ones. This might mean customers and employees will need to park a bit further away than usual, so it’s vital to communicate about the upcoming construction.

Installation of the New Roof

Finally, the new roofing material is installed by the contractors. While this step typically spans several days, the benefits justify the effort. Depending on the roof type and size, this phase can take anywhere from days to weeks.

A robust and resilient roof is indispensable for any commercial building, making a new roof installation a valuable investment for property protection. Quality over speed is critical; a hastily installed roof may cause more harm than good.

Post-installation Cleanup

After installation, an inspector will review the roof to ensure it meets code standards. Once approved, contractors commence the cleanup, minimizing the impact on your business. Cleanup is a crucial aspect of comprehensive roofing services; customer satisfaction is paramount.

Weather Considerations

One key variable in determining project length is weather. Rain, snow, and high winds can cause project delays, so monitoring the weather forecast is advisable. Your commercial roofing contractor from Third Coast Exteriors will keep you updated on any timeline adjustments due to adverse weather. Worker safety is always the top priority.

Entrust Your Roof to Third Coast Exteriors!

Every building owner aspires to maintain their property in prime condition, with the roof playing a critical role. At Third Coast Exteriors, our commercial roofing experts aim to protect your investments and offer you peace of mind with high-quality craftsmanship. With numerous successful installations to our credit, it’s no wonder commercial property owners in Chicago trust us with their roofs. We offer services from roof evaluation and maintenance to complete roof replacements. If you have a roofing emergency, we provide excellent customer service and commercial roofing expertise 24/7. Rely on Third Coast Exteriors for quality services of all kinds. Explore our website for more information about our various services, and get in touch to kickstart your project!

Your home or business is deserving of trustworthy roofing that safeguards what is most valuable to you. Unforeseen weather, natural wear and tear, and damage are inevitable, but a high-quality roof can help to protect your most cherished assets. Before you set out to find top-notch roofing for your Chicago-based building, understand that various factors can guide you towards the most energy-saving and cost-effective options on the market. Your new roof can offer safety, aesthetic appeal, and durability with little effort.

Take into account our guide to roofing in the Midwest to see which options are most efficient for your establishment.

Elements That Influence the Best Material Choice Whether your priority is style or cost-effectiveness, these can aid in uncovering the most suitable roofing available for your property. These factors also dictate the best material for your home or business.

The following elements help to identify the most notable roofing material currently available:

Longevity: Different roofing materials have varied life spans, which can determine the length of time your roof will serve its purpose optimally before needing repairs or replacement. Price: Planning your budget is a crucial factor when shopping for the ideal roofing material. Some roofs have a higher initial cost but offer extended life spans. Other materials may be more budget-friendly during installation but may need more frequent repairs or maintenance. As you explore for a roof you adore, be mindful of any unexpected costs that may arise from maintenance, replacements, and repairs over time. Aesthetic appeal: Installing or replacing a roof gives you the opportunity to pick the materials and colors that match your property’s exterior. Whether you want your roof to blend seamlessly or create a striking contrast, there are several options to maximize your property’s aesthetic appeal after installation. Resilience: Different roofing materials possess varied levels of durability. When shopping for your new roof, pay close attention to the materials’ resistance to leaks, weather-induced damage, and deterioration. The higher the durability your new roof offers, the more you can save on yearly maintenance costs. Types of Roofing Materials for the Midwest Midwestern roofing comes in diverse shapes, sizes, and colors. With an array of options, knowing where to start for your new home or business can be challenging. These top choices, each with their pros and cons, can make your decision process more manageable:

Shingles GAF Shingles Asphalt shingles could be the superior choice for your new home or roof renovation project. GAF provides high-quality material in each asphalt shingle roof, making this an excellent choice for your residence or commercial building.

Advantages of installing shingles include:

Cost-effectiveness: When compared to metal and wood roofs, asphalt shingles are among the most budget-friendly choices available! Variety of styles: Asphalt shingles are available in a wide range of colors that suit any house style. The coordinated colors of your roof, siding, and windows create a harmonious aesthetic, pleasing both you and your neighbors. Energy-efficiency: Your roof can incorporate solar-reflecting colors, keeping your property cooler throughout the year. Lighter asphalt colors deflect sunlight, helping you save on cooling costs annually. Protection: Moisture from rain and other natural elements can lead to algae accumulation, contributing to roof decay. Fortunately, asphalt shingles from GAF contain a mix of weather-grade copper-lined granules to prevent algae growth and ward off water damage. There are a few things to consider before opting for asphalt shingles:

Maintenance checkups: Most asphalt shingles display signs of curling or cracking due to prolonged exposure to weather elements. These signs might lead to more regular maintenance. However, GAF asphalt shingle roofs, with their watertight sealants and weather-grade copper-lined granules, can minimize water and algae damage without the need for frequent checkups. Life span: Some asphalt shingles are known for their relatively shorter life spans compared to other roofing materials. Proper maintenance of a shingle roof can avert this issue. Protective features that prevent water leaks, cracks, and holes can enhance your roof’s quality, thanks to GAF’s innovative roofing technology. Metal The robust exterior of a metal roof offers several benefits to residences and businesses across the Midwest. With its sleek finish and reflective surface, the advantages of installing this material are easily observable. The following list can help determine whether this option is best suited for your roofing needs.

The following perks make this option appropriate for any Midwestern home:

Eco-friendly: The reflective property of metal roofing deflects solar heat, which can result in heating and cooling cost savings while your family enjoys a comfortable, temperature-controlled home. ROI: One of the most striking characteristics of a metal roof is its cost-to-value ratio. Homeowners can expect a return on investment (ROI) ranging from 70% to 87% when they list their property on the market. Resistance: Metal roofs boast impressive durability. If you’re considering this material for your roof, rest assured that your new roof is resistant to mildew and fire and is less likely to show damage from wind and hail. Potential disadvantages of installing a metal roof include:

Costly repairs: Although metal roofs are durable, like any material, damage can occur. Repairing a metal roof is a complex and more expensive process that is often better to replace than repair. Expensive: Metal roofs require a more significant investment compared to other roofing materials. Traditional residential roofs, like asphalt shingles, are among the most affordable roofing options when repairing damages. Limited style: Most homeowners appreciate the versatility of asphalt shingles due to their broad range of colors. While metal roofs also come in various colors, the sleek surface can make the roof more prominent than the siding. Wood The unrivaled beauty of wooden roofs makes this option a strong contender for the best roof for Midwestern homes. A bohemian, rustic style, coupled with impressive eco-friendly factors, makes it an excellent choice for many homes nationwide. Despite the pleasing aesthetic, there are a few pros and cons of a wood roof to consider before making your final decision.

Benefits of installing a wood roof include:

ROI: Wood roofing material has an ROI ranging from 75% to 80%. While this option involves a more significant upfront investment, the cost-to-value ratio provides a higher return on your initial installation cost if you decide to sell your property. Simple installation: Wood roofs are relatively straightforward to install, meaning you can enjoy your property’s new look quicker than with most other roofing options. A few disadvantages to consider before deciding on your roof’s material include:

Annual maintenance: Wood roofs require yearly maintenance, as wood absorbs moisture and may crack more easily than other roofing materials. More frequent upkeep appointments can increase the costs of maintaining these roofs. Shorter life spans: The delicate surface of wood roofs can also impact the life span you can expect from this option. Without annual maintenance, you can typically enjoy a wood roof for a few decades before needing extensive repairs or a complete replacement. Expensive: Compared to asphalt shingles, wood roofing material costs more to install and maintain over time.

At Third Coast Exteriors, we understand that a reliable roof is more than just a shield against the elements; it’s an investment in your property’s safety, aesthetic appeal, and long-term value. Our expert team in Chicago is dedicated to helping you make the best decision for your home or business, considering all the necessary factors and details. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for professional advice or a quote.

Maintaining Your Roof with Regular Inspections: A Comprehensive Guide for Chicago Homeowners

As a homeowner, your roof serves a pivotal role in safeguarding both you and your home’s interior from severe weather conditions such as drastic temperatures, precipitation, and wind. While continually enduring harsh elements, it also facilitates the circulation of air. To ensure your roof remains in prime condition, incorporating routine inspections into your home maintenance checklist is of utmost importance. These evaluations serve as a proactive approach in maintaining the quality of your roof. Let’s delve deeper into the world of roof inspections.

What Exactly is a Roof Inspection? Essentially, a roof inspection is a thorough assessment of every component that comprises your home’s roofing system. Even though the roof is often out of sight and out of mind, it is a crucial part of your home that demands regular checks to keep it functioning at its best.

Licensed roofing experts conduct these inspections to ascertain the current status of your roof and suggest necessary steps, if any, to enhance its functionality. Professionals from Third Coast Exteriors are equipped to meticulously assess your roof’s quality and guide you through any roof-related concerns you may have as a homeowner.

Roof inspections also play a significant role in certifying a roof. For potential home buyers, roof certifications provide a reliable means of determining the roof’s condition and estimated lifespan.

What Elements Are Assessed During a Roof Inspection? During a roof inspection, Third Coast Exteriors’ expert will evaluate the condition of the following key areas and components of your roof to uncover any potential problems and their solutions:

Roofing Material: Your roofing expert will assess the quality and condition of your roofing material to evaluate its overall health. Soffits, Fascia, and Drip Edges: Soffits are located beneath the eave where the roof edge meets the exterior wall of your home. The fascia is a straight, elongated board running along the lower edge of the roof, forming a right angle with the soffit. Drip edges are sheets of metal placed along the roof edge to guide water away from the fascia. The inspector will check these components for any signs of moisture-related damage. Gutters: The inspector will ensure the gutters are not retaining water and that the drainage pipes are secure and functioning properly. Roof Penetrations: The inspector will examine coverings that seal the holes created by installing vents, vent pipes, and other accessories in your roof. The conditions of the penetrations themselves will also be inspected. Flashing: Flashings are thin pieces of material, typically galvanized steel, installed around roof structures to direct water away from critical areas. As these are governed by strict building codes, the inspector will ensure they are up to standard and suggest modifications if necessary. Windows and Chimney: While not technically roofing components, chimneys and skylights will be included in a thorough inspection to preempt any potential issues before a roof replacement. Attic: If accessible, your inspector might survey your roof from inside the attic, which can make it easier to spot leaks and other signs of damage, pinpointing exactly where a problem exists. How Frequently Should Your Roof Be Inspected? To plan your roof inspections effectively, follow these guidelines:

Annual Inspections: Aim to have your roof professionally inspected at least once per year, ideally twice. Spring and autumn inspections can prepare your roof for the more demanding seasons. After Major Weather Events: Any severe weather events involving strong winds, heavy rain, hail, snow, or ice can potentially damage your home’s roof. If such an event occurs in your area, arrange for a roof inspection to evaluate how your roof fared. Visible Damage: If you notice signs of roof damage at any time, schedule a professional inspection. Even minor issues such as a missing shingle or dented siding could signify a more severe problem. Taking timely action can prevent potential damage from spreading to the interior of your home. Benefits of Regular Roof Inspections Routine roof inspections come with several advantages for you and your home:

Damage Detection: Regular inspections can identify roof damage that could otherwise lead to moisture build-up in your home, potentially causing mold and fungi growth. Your professional inspector can identify any such issues and suggest appropriate repairs. Cost-Effective: While it may seem tempting to skip regular roof inspections to save money, small unnoticed roof problems can evolve into more significant issues that could end up costing you more in the long run. Simplifies Insurance Claims: After a severe weather event, a professional roof inspection can provide you with a comprehensive report of the damage and the estimated cost of repair, which can be helpful in filing your insurance claim. Peace of Mind: Knowing your roof has been given the green light by a professional roofing contractor can eliminate any worries you may have about your roof. Helps Prepare for Roof Replacement: Regular inspections can give you a more accurate estimate of your roof’s remaining lifespan. Ensures Proper Drainage: Regular inspections can detect any issues with your drainage system, allowing the removal of debris that may be causing water to collect on your roof. Preserves Your Roof Warranty: Regular roof inspections help you avoid issues that could void your warranty, such as substandard installation, lack of maintenance, improper repairs, and unapproved modifications.

At Third Coast Exteriors, we are committed to ensuring that your roof stands the test of time. By offering comprehensive roof inspections in Chicago, we strive to provide homeowners with the peace of mind they deserve.

A Comprehensive Buyer’s Guide to Vinyl Siding for Chicago Homeowners

Revamping the exterior of your home can have a considerable impact on its visual appeal and overall value. Among the various home improvement projects, installing new vinyl siding is often a preferred choice due to its impressive return on investment. On average, homeowners can recoup about 74.7% of the project cost upon resale. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about vinyl siding.

Understanding Vinyl Siding Vinyl siding is a durable, plastic exterior that covers the outside of residential homes. Composed mainly of robust, low-maintenance polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin, vinyl siding protects your home from weather elements and gives it an appealing look. What’s more, with vinyl siding, you can skip the hassle of repainting your house every few years.

For those mindful of environmental impact, vinyl siding is an excellent choice. It lasts for several decades and has a lower environmental footprint compared to other siding materials. Available in a broad range of textures, hues, and colors, vinyl siding allows homeowners to customize their home’s exterior appearance.

Production of Vinyl Siding The production of vinyl siding involves heating PVC, which then undergoes a color-blending process. This unique process ensures that the color won’t chip or peel off. The color-infused mixture is then extruded through a die or poured into sheets using a mold to give it texture and pattern.

Why Choose Vinyl Siding? Vinyl siding has multiple benefits, making it a practical and versatile choice for homeowners:

  1. Enhances Aesthetic Appeal Vinyl siding boosts the visual appeal and curb appeal of homes. As it’s low-maintenance and highly resilient, prospective home buyers often consider vinyl siding a positive attribute.
  2. Robust and Long-lasting Vinyl siding withstands weather elements and resists scratches and fading. It offers a fresh, smooth look without the need for painting, thus enhancing its durability.
  3. Affordable and High-Quality Vinyl siding delivers long-lasting aesthetics at a lower installation cost than other materials. Its high durability translates into low replacement costs in the long run. If damaged by an accident, such as a falling tree branch, you only need to replace the affected sections rather than re-siding the entire house.
  4. Low Maintenance Once installed, vinyl siding requires minimal upkeep. You won’t have to bother about painting, varnishing, sanding, or dealing with pests. Cleaning it is as simple as giving it a hose-down.
  5. Energy Efficient Insulated vinyl siding can improve your home’s energy efficiency, thereby reducing cooling and heating expenses.
  6. Environmentally Friendly Vinyl siding is an eco-friendly option. It lasts for decades and requires virtually no maintenance, thereby reducing the need for material replacements.

Cost of Vinyl Siding The cost of installing vinyl siding varies based on your specific project, but the average cost is around $10,750. Homeowners typically spend between $6,150 to $15,900, equivalent to $3.00 and $12.00 per square foot. Considering its durability and low maintenance needs, vinyl siding is more cost-effective than cement, stucco, and fiber siding.

Factors that influence the cost of vinyl siding include:

  • Quality: Hardier materials may cost more.
  • Style: Different textures come with varying prices.
  • Brand: Established brands use high-quality materials, which affect costs.
  • Repairs or replacements: Repairing a section of vinyl costs less than a full replacement or new installation.
  • Architectural features: Unique features and angles make installation more complex, thereby increasing costs.
  • Insulation: Insulated vinyl siding is costlier than regular siding.
  • Labor: Installation difficulty impacts labor costs.

Lifespan of Vinyl Siding Vinyl siding can last anywhere between 20 to 60 years with minimal yearly maintenance. Several factors can influence its lifespan, including the climate, potential rotting of supporting wood, and external incidents such as accidental damages.

Cleaning Vinyl Siding Vinyl siding is easy to clean. A gentle spray from your hose usually suffices. For stubborn organic matter, use a soft sponge and mild, environmentally friendly cleaning agent, if necessary.

Choosing the Right Vinyl Siding Color Choosing a vinyl siding color should consider the other exterior elements of your home, including the roof, chimney, window frames, decorative elements, stairs, railings, door frames, fences, and window boxes.

Recent vinyl siding color trends in 2023 include warm earthy tones, dark shades like charcoal and slate, as well as warm whites and creams. A professional can help you mix and match different colors and textures to achieve your desired look.

Contact Third Coast Exteriors for Your Vinyl Siding Needs Third Coast Exteriors is committed to serving homeowners in Chicago, providing top-tier services for all your vinyl siding needs. Feel free to reach out to us for more information or assistance.

Crucial Roof Problem Areas Every Chicago Homeowner Should Know About

Never let it reach the point where water drips through your ceiling before you consider the crucial role of your home’s roof. We have curated a list of typical residential roofing issues that every homeowner should be aware of.

Key Problem Areas on Your Roof A well-maintained roof can last many years, safeguarding your home’s structure and preventing complications. Here are some key problem areas you should have examined by a certified roofing contractor regularly.

Gutter Systems Mismanaged gutters can cause severe damage to your roof and even compromise your home’s foundation.

Ensure that your gutters guide rainwater away from your dwelling. The downspout should be sufficiently lengthy and at the correct slope to direct excess water away from your foundation. Also, it’s important to keep your gutters clear of debris, allowing water to flow freely. Lastly, any cracks that occur along the seams of the gutter should be sealed periodically.

Observe your gutter system during heavy rainfall and check for puddles near your home’s base afterwards. This will help determine if your gutters are functioning correctly.

Roofing Shingles and Materials With time, shingles may develop cracks and start to curl. Moreover, asphalt shingles tend to lose their granules, making them susceptible to moisture absorption and leading to potential leaks in your attic.

Visible signs of worn-out roofing materials might be noticeable from ground level or from upper-story windows. If you spot any signs of damage during a visual inspection, immediately get in touch with a professional for a comprehensive roof assessment.

Remember, it’s hazardous to walk on your steep roof, and unnecessary foot traffic can further deteriorate your shingles.

Flashing Flashing is employed to seal gaps in corners, valleys, and around projections. This metal protective covering prevents moisture penetration and leakage. Loose or damaged flashing can lead to various problems as they cover the most exposed areas of a roof.

Again, this roofing issue needs the attention of an expert.

Soffit and Fascia Fascia, a trim that runs horizontally across your roof, creates a visible barrier along the roofline. Not only does it contribute to the aesthetic appeal of your home, but it also protects your home from the elements.

The soffit is the underside of the portion of your roof that overhangs. Soffits contribute significantly to attic ventilation, drawing out heat and moisture from your home.

Issues with these vital roof elements can lead to problems and expensive emergency repairs. Therefore, regular inspections and maintenance by professionals are necessary.

Protect Your Roof with Regular Inspections by Third Coast Exteriors Take proactive measures against minor leaks causing unattractive water stains on your ceilings. Third Coast Exteriors can meticulously examine your roof, checking for damaged shingles, ice dams, roof wood decay, water blockages, and the much-feared roof leak. These routine check-ups and maintenance tasks can extend the lifespan of your roof.

Get in touch with Third Coast Exteriors today to book an inspection. Should we discover any issues that may lead to a roof leak or structural damage, we will provide a free quote for the necessary repairs. Trust us to take care of your Chicago home’s roofing needs

Navigating the vast landscape of Commercial Roofing can be a daunting task for any commercial property owner. With options ranging from Flat Roofs to Torch Down Flat Roofs and a multitude of other solutions, it’s crucial to understand the advantages, drawbacks, and applications of each system. The purpose of this comprehensive guide is to delve deep into the intricacies of Commercial Roofing in Chicago. We will dissect the spectrum of roofing products available and highlight the expertise of Third Coast Exteriors, a certified Chicago Roofing Contractor. Third Coast Exteriors stands out with its specialty in all commercial roof systems, providing high-quality installation, maintenance, and repair services.

The Cornerstone of Commercial Structures: Commercial Roofing

The role of Commercial Roofing extends far beyond merely providing a shelter over a commercial edifice. It encompasses the specialized materials and techniques used to create a robust, weatherproof seal atop commercial structures. Unlike the steep slopes typical in residential roofing, Commercial Roofing primarily deals with flat or low-slope roofs, necessitating unique products for effective weatherproofing. Regular upkeep in the form of Roofing Repairs or Flat Roof Repairs is pivotal in maintaining the roof’s longevity and its optimal functioning.

The Spectrum of Commercial Roofing Products: A Detailed Look

The selection of roofing products can considerably influence a roof’s durability, energy efficiency, and lifespan. In this segment, we’ll explore in detail the diverse range of Commercial Roofing products available in the Chicago market.

1. Built-Up Roofing (BUR): The BUR system, one of the most venerable and reliable commercial roofing methods, owes its toughness to its layered structure. Comprising multiple layers of bitumen and reinforcing fabrics, a BUR system forms a hardened finished membrane, resistant to various weather conditions. The application of BUR systems involves the use of hot asphalt, cold-applied adhesives, or coal tar pitch. The system’s top surface can be a mineral cap sheet, a gravel layer, or a weather-resistant coating, providing additional durability and protection.

2. Modified Bitumen Roofing: Modified bitumen represents a robust, weather-resistant type of flat roofing, born from the evolution of asphalt roofing. The addition of modifiers to asphalt lends it plastic or rubber-like properties, enhancing its resilience and flexibility. The installation of Modified Bitumen Roofing often entails using a torch to heat the material, ensuring a firm, waterproof bond with the underlying roofing layer, hence the term ‘Torch Down’ roofing. Modified Bitumen can also be installed using ‘cold process’ adhesives or self-adhering sheets, offering versatility in its application.

3. Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) Roofing: TPO Roofing systems merge the sturdiness of EPDM rubber with the seam performance akin to hot-air weldable systems. Engineered to resist tears, impacts, and punctures, TPO roofing is a viable choice for a variety of commercial applications. The installation of TPO roofing involves mechanically fastening the material to the roof deck, followed by heat-welding the seams to form a reliable, waterproof bond.

4. Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) Roofing: EPDM, a popular type of rubber roofing, is renowned for its durability, flexibility, and resistance to UV rays. EPDM roofing is typically installed in broad sheets, adhered to the roof deck using a specially formulated adhesive or mechanically fastened. The seams are then meticulously sealed using a specially-designed tape or adhesive to ensure an impermeable finish.

5. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Roofing: PVC Roofing, a single-ply roofing solution predominantly used on commercial or industrial roofs, stands out with its resistance to chemical damage and its robust, flexible nature. In a process similar to TPO, PVC membranes are mechanically fastened, and then the seams are meticulously heat-welded together to form an impermeable layer.

6. Metal Roofing: Commercial Metal Roofing systems often employ corrugated galvanized steel, though more premium options like aluminum or copper are also used. The installation process involves overlapping the metal sheets and fastening them securely to the roof deck with screws. The seams and fasteners are then meticulously sealed with a special coating to stave off potential leaks.

These diverse roofing systems, each boasting its unique set of advantages, effectively cater to a broad spectrum of commercial roofing needs. The optimal roofing system for your specific project hinges on several key factors. These include the slope of your roof, the type of building, your allocated budget, and your long-term performance expectations.

Roofing Repairs and Flat Roof Repairs: An Essential Aspect of Commercial Roofing Maintenance

In the varied and often harsh climate of Chicago, maintaining the structural integrity of your commercial roof requires regular Roofing Repairs and Flat Roof Repairs. Proactive and professional repairs can help circumvent more significant issues down the line, such as leaks, energy inefficiency, and structural damage, protecting your commercial investment over time.

The Third Coast Exteriors Difference: Your Trusted Commercial Roofing Contractor in Chicago

Standing tall in the city of Chicago is Third Coast Exteriors, a premier Commercial Roofing Contractor known for its specialty in all commercial roof systems. With certifications from numerous manufacturers, we are in a unique position to offer extended warranties that most other roofing companies cannot match.

Our team of seasoned experts are adept at installing, maintaining, and repairing a vast range of commercial roofing types. These include but are not limited to Flat Roofs, Torch Down Flat Roofs, BUR, Modified Bitumen, TPO, EPDM, PVC, and Metal Roofing. Our blend of deep experience, state-of-the-art tools, and premium-grade materials ensure that we deliver a roof that not only meets but exceeds your business needs.

At Third Coast Exteriors, we believe in continual learning and improvement, staying on the cutting edge of the ever-evolving roofing industry. This commitment to excellence enables us to provide top-notch Roofing Repairs and Flat Roof Repairs. When you partner with us, you can rest assured that your commercial roofing investment is well-protected and maintained.


When contemplating Commercial Roofing in Chicago, making an informed decision that aligns with your building requirements and budget is paramount. Understanding the wide array of options—from Built-Up Roofing to Modified Bitumen, TPO, EPDM, PVC, and Metal Roofing—enables you to make the best choice for your commercial edifice.

Choosing Third Coast Exteriors means you are partnering with more than just a Commercial Roofing Contractor. We will be with you at every step of the way, from the initial consultation to the installation and routine maintenance. We are here to ensure that your roof performs at its peak, providing you the peace of mind knowing that your business is well-protected.

For Commercial Roofing, Chicago trusts Third Coast Exteriors. Reach out to us today to discuss your commercial roofing needs and discover how we can add exceptional value to your project.


When most people think of roofs, they typically think of shingles or metal roofing. But what some may not know is there’s another layer of protection directly on top of the roof deck and under the roof covering that performs a critical role in protecting your home from moisture damage. It’s called roofing underlayment.

Find out more about this critical component of your roof’s structure.

What Is Roofing Underlayment?

Roofing underlayment is what lies between the shingles and the roof sheathing, or roof deck, which is typically either plywood or OSB. It’s installed directly on the roof deck and provides a secondary layer of protection from the elements, including rain, snow, and wind.

Types of Roofing Underlayment

There are two main types of roofing underlayment:

  • Felt
  • Synthetic

Each product has its pros and cons, and the type you choose may depend on your geographical area, roofing materials used, roof design, budget, and what your roofing contractor may suggest.

Felt Roofing Underlayment

Felt roofing underlayment is one of the oldest types of roofing underlayment. It’s created by saturating paper or fiberglass mats with asphalt.

Felt roofing underlayment is typically available in two types: No.15 felt and No. 30 felt. Compared to No. 15 felt, No. 30 felt is typically thicker, stronger, and may be less prone to tearing or ripping off during installation or weather events.


The main advantage of using felt roofing underlayment is cost. Felt underlayment tends to cost less compared to the synthetic underlayment, which is why it’s often the go-to for budget-conscious homeowners.


There are several disadvantages to using felt underlayment on a roof. One disadvantage of traditional felt roofing underlayment is it generally can’t be left exposed for more than a few hours. The material may dry out or leach oils in the heat.  This would impact the felt’s ability to protect against moisture.

Other drawbacks of felt underlayment include:

  • Prone to tearing in high winds and during the strain of installation.
  • If exposed to moisture, the mat can absorb water and wrinkle the felt, making it harder for the shingles to lay flat.  Therefore, shingles should be installed immediately after felt roofing underlayment is installed if possible to ensure optimal protection.
  • Felt underlayment also weighs more, which can make it harder for roofing contractors to drag rolls of it up a ladder and onto a roof.
  • It also has a slippery surface, which can sometimes make it more difficult to install.
  • The weight also leads to less material per roll.  This means more potential seams instead of a single course with no laps.

Felt Roofing Underlayment and Warranties

If felt underlayment is installed it may also prevent you from being protected under the manufacturer’s warranty, which may require synthetic underlayment.

Synthetic Roofing Underlayment

For enhanced water resistance and protection from the elements, many roofers are choosing to go the route of synthetic roofing underlayment. These products are usually made from long-lasting polymers, which provide added strength and longevity. This type of underlayment is typically moisture-resistant, and when it’s installed correctly, it offers better protection from the weather compared to felt.

Synthetic roofing underlayment materials are not standardized, so different manufacturers may make their products differently, and therefore may have different levels of performance. Be sure to do your research and talk with a trusted contractor who can help guide you in selecting the right roofing materials to protect your home.


There are four main advantages to installing synthetic roof underlayment rather than felt. Compared to felt, synthetic roofing underlayment is:

  • Tough
  • Fast to install
  • Safe
  • Repels water
Synthetic underlayment has a tough and durable construction with an extremely high tear strength compared to felt.

Synthetic roof underlayment is extremely durable. It typically doesn’t tear and is suitable for extended UV and moisture exposure in some cases, which is especially helpful if there’s a bit of lead time before your roof covering is installed.

Synthetic underlayment also stands up to boot traffic, which is important when your roofing contractor is walking around on its surface as it’s being installed. At Owens Corning Roofing, we call this “use after abuse” — the product can still perform as designed even after the abuse it takes during installation.

Synthetic roofing underlayment also tends to be:

  • Lighter* – Up to four times lighter in some cases
  • Fast to install – Because there is more material per roll compared to felt (synthetic roofing underlayment comes in wider and longer rolls), it results in fewer trips up the ladder for your roofers, saving them time and perhaps helping the job move along faster. For instance, a typical 2700-square-foot home might require three rolls of synthetic underlayment compared to 14 rolls of No.30 felt to cover the same area.
  • Safe – Synthetic underlayment is also advantageous for worker safety — the surface of many synthetic roofing underlayments, including those offered by Owens Corning, features a variety of slip-resistant surfaces for enhanced walkability. It’s also usually well-marked with overlap guides and indicators of where fasteners should be placed, helping to improve consistency and accuracy during installation.
  • Moisture-resistant – Where felt products tend to absorb water, synthetic roofing underlayments are built to repel water. This is important for homeowners concerned about moisture infiltration, especially if they plan to leave the underlayment exposed for a prolonged period.

Because it’s made of plastic, synthetic underlayment is typically resistant to mold growth, a definite advantage over felt.


Many synthetics are competitively priced, but when compared to felt, the main drawback of synthetic roofing underlayment is the cost. The upfront investment in higher-quality roofing materials, however, could save you money down the road. You can’t put a price on the peace of mind of knowing that your roof is sufficiently protected from moisture.

The Right Underlayment for Your Roof

Whether you’re embarking on a reroofing project or new home construction, there are many factors to consider about the type of underlayment to use. Synthetic roofing underlayment has many advantages over felt and may be a worthwhile investment to protect your roof and home from the risks of water and moisture infiltration.

Learn more about our selection of roofing underlayment products and find an independent roofing contractor in the Owens Corning Roofing Contractor Network near you.

*9 (2 sq.) rolls of standard #30 felt compared to 2 (10 sq.) rolls of Owens Corning® Deck Defense® High-Performance Synthetic Underlayment. Individual product weights may vary.